Monday, December 21, 2015

Reason for this season

Remembering the reason for this season, and what it means to give yourself sacrificially.

From live nativity we went this year.

Have a blessed Christmas, everyone !!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Kripa at PEERKids

Kids at PEER Servants are learning it early

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day of rest

    We all have heard this so many times: "Life is a journey, not a destination" 
but it so easy to get caught up in life: chasing goals, improving efficiency or justifying our actions. For couple of weeks, I have been thinking of ways to stop and reflect, cherish this journey, inserting non-productive days in our schedule and to let it be and let God do the judging.

    As the good old book says: Work hard for six days, then take a day of rest. I have heard it described this way in modern context: Use the day of rest to do "life-giving" activities. 
I am taking up this challenge, to follow a day of rest in the week. Will I be able to get everything done. It sure require discipline to schedule a break. So I am trying to let it go. What ever I get done in six days is enough. 

I experienced one such restful "life-giving" afternoon today. 
It was an unplanned stop in the journey, a trip to the town library. Well, it is Fall here. A beautiful time of the year with splashes of orange color, in and around boston area. It is as if, the painter had splashed shades of orange, red and yellow on the canvas; letting it blend, form shapes and enjoying how each day the canvas looks like.

Some snapshot of the afternoon:

A tribute to that Painter, who have clothed the tree with such bright shades, for our pleasure

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." 
        ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kripa really enjoyed the freedom of space. no-breeze. race-to-the-tree.
Let the simple things, tickle you..

A stop at the pile of leaves on the sidewalk
Let it Fall

Young n old

A time to be silly n bold

A time to sing n dance

followed by, some story time, in the QuietRoom at the library

Loaded up on books. We are blessed with libraries where you can checkout 15 or more books at a time !
There are not much open patches of land in the town anymore; a cemetery on a hill is a perfect one.
Amid the bright shades and crisp wind, there was a lingering thought, that winter is not far. That this will end some time in near future. But TODAY is great day to praise the Lord.

Even the rain drops, could not dampen our spirits

As I close I would encourage the readers to pause, take a look around, enjoy the moment, experience the love and celebrate the people around you.


"Life is a journey, not a destination" 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thirsty Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are so fascinating !

From a friends video collection: "These birds come every morning to mom's garden between 6.30-7am"

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Peer kids are doing their part

Hear for yourself what the peer kids are doing: Narration by Sarah and Daniel

Friday, June 12, 2015

I came across some oldies in my backup CD (whats that?) collection: Nostalgia triggers so many memories. We are fortunate to have siblings & family who love us. And a reminder, of the many blessings we have received from the good Lord, along the way, though we do not deserve any.

Here both of us, with out brothers, circa 1987

@ secunderabad, india

@ mumbai

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

worship Tunes

If you are in mood, for some hindi worship song: