Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Butterfly flutter

The current quest, has been to detect the butterfly flutter that everyone talks about. So the popcorn bubbles from last night was deemed as a strong candidate flutter. Or was it is the acid reflex... For now the sitting-upright sleep position seem to be in fashion, dash it jeeves, straight upright, all through the night. Side sleeping is being recommended, and also S like body pillow. So you see, how the baby shapes up your life, your days-n-nights, your pillow etc.

Not to mention the 2am wake up routine, with either full bladder or empty stomach. Minivini must be hungry now for a glass of milk. It sure must be baby's waste product also passing through. Oh, the bump is growing measurably now.

We now have a long list of Don't's from various parties: pineapple, papaya, brinjal, few cheeses.. ofcourse red meat, swordfish and even fresh water salmon. Towards the later part of first trimester, nausea was at its peak; every night throwing up the dinner, for few weeks.

40 weeks is a long time.
Well, women are made up of tons of commitment. We men couldn't have done this job, this well.

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