Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Butterfly flutter

The current quest, has been to detect the butterfly flutter that everyone talks about. So the popcorn bubbles from last night was deemed as a strong candidate flutter. Or was it is the acid reflex... For now the sitting-upright sleep position seem to be in fashion, dash it jeeves, straight upright, all through the night. Side sleeping is being recommended, and also S like body pillow. So you see, how the baby shapes up your life, your days-n-nights, your pillow etc.

Not to mention the 2am wake up routine, with either full bladder or empty stomach. Minivini must be hungry now for a glass of milk. It sure must be baby's waste product also passing through. Oh, the bump is growing measurably now.

We now have a long list of Don't's from various parties: pineapple, papaya, brinjal, few cheeses.. ofcourse red meat, swordfish and even fresh water salmon. Towards the later part of first trimester, nausea was at its peak; every night throwing up the dinner, for few weeks.

40 weeks is a long time.
Well, women are made up of tons of commitment. We men couldn't have done this job, this well.

Announcement day

Hello world,
Today we are happy, rejoicing in all the Lords blessings showered upon us. Most recently, our pregnancy. As we go through the emotions of having somebody new, somebody tiny, peeking , squeezing his/her way between us, we are humbled.
Our very first visual contact with the baby was the flicker on the ultrasound screen in the first week of jan. We didn't know what to expect. Since then we have been holding our breath for next few weeks, counting days, doctors appt, nausea strokes. Reading thro,, What to expect when.. , still,  we don't know what to expect. The anxiety levels have definitely lowered now, by the heart beat sounds & ultrasound screens. Life is more normal now and we are thinking about the changes ahead.
     You know that your wife is expecting, when the birthday gift wish-list includes fetal monitor. Or at your dinner conversation, baby names are being proposed and reproposed. For now, we are calling him/her minivini
So this is 15th week. They say "Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long"      

Here's minivini right off @ 13 weeks
Can't wait to see you mini !