Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

Collage by the boys

    We had a fun afternoon, shooting pictures and building collages  with the boys (@ Boys Home, West Bengal, India).
I was amazed at how fast the boys warmed up, each of them took two snaps from their backyard (trees/flowers/switchboard), then we paired them two by two for portraits. The boys did a fun collaborative editing session huddled on one laptop, and they picked pics from last two days, to make collages out of them.

        They loved changing the fill color to blue/red, or changing it to inverted colors, which they kept referring to as 'bhoot' (ghost) color. Their laughter filled the room, pure joy, on otherwise a dull 'puja' holiday, with all teachers off to their own families. 
     Most of these boys see their family one or two times a year, many have only one parent. The folks at CSS have taken the burden upon themselves, living out the command: "Anyone who has two tunic, should share with the one who has none" (Luke 3).

I have summoned you by name; you are mine - Isa 43

Gramdma's bath time

.hyderabad oct 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Grace drops

   What joy, what smiles I witnessed, on the faces of these kids, former street dwellers, many have one or no parents. Living in Rose of Sharon home/school. Philippines. Oct 2013.

caught. in the act of sharing.
 This little one, was sharing his rice, with one who had none. [If you don't know Filipinos love their rice.]

"if anyone would be first, he must be last of all."
You don't see this kind of humility often: The lead teacher at the Rose of Sharon, giving all the credits to her helper.
Grace in Action.
These are the real heroes, they are making a difference, in the life of these precious seedlings.

  ..and hats off to the King, that they serve.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

44 partners

He must increase, but I must decrease - John 3.
Here is an awesome meeting I witnessed, technically of a group of borrowers. Fellowship of 44 partners to be exact. Mostly women, Working hard: Selling chicken, fish, lotion, canteen, fruit, appliances, Tshirts. Manicure. Even helping husbands Gypnie (main street public transport) business etc.

     If you peel one layer, they are all enjoying the shared weekly fellowship time, a break from a long hard day of work. If you look deeper, you can see the life struggles itched into their wrinkles, the peace and joy on their faces, a confidence that only true faith can instill.

Worshiping in spirit and in truth. What a friend they have.

.Silang, Philippines

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Let the children come to me

do not hinder them,

for to such belongs the kingdom of God

whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.

And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Compare n Contrast

together, from the most unlikely of places. 

Peru, SouthAfrica, India, Moldova
.CCT Tagaytay Center

Saturday, September 7, 2013

How are we wired?

Boys want ball, Girls want wings.

Monday, September 2, 2013


It is easier to find a donut in this neighborhood, than to find a copy of today's Boston Globe newspaper.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Walk for Team India

Come, join us in Walk for Economic Empowerment, being organized by PEER Servants

Where When?
  Boston walk @Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield, MA, 10am June 1
  For kids: hula hoop, tug of war, sack race. Lunch served at noon.

Why Micro-finance?
Micro-finance organizations are sometime the only financial services option available to the poorest of poor, who lack collateral, steady employment, credit history, education or access to commercial banks. For e.g. the India partner of PEER Servants lends starting loans as small as 25$ to large number of clients (active clients > 20000) in WestBengal, India. Visit our India Partner website to know more about them.
A 25-50$ loan for short repayment time (10months) can make such a difference for these entrepreneurs/survivors. With a repayment rate of 98% in India, the loan capital gets reused & impacts so many.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

all alone

[all alone, bare bone]

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rare Snow day

Snow and Happy child go together

And more..
[kripa got first real chance to play in the snow this winter]

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January rain

Images from a rare rainy day in January. A Bright day little overcast & foggy. We even sneaked in a tiny hike. Credits to (toddler) Kripa for her patience, for letting me snap.

tiny droplets

[tiny droplets off the pine needles]

[used to be a runway, now dog owners haven]